Amidst recent objections by the Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) over the Border Security Force's (BSF) attempts to erect fences in certain areas along the India-Bangladesh border, a sector commander-level border coordination meeting of the two forces was held at Benapole in Bangladesh on Wednesday to address key bilateral concerns and bolster cooperation between the two nations. The meeting saw deliberations on sensitive issues including the contentious implementation of the Single Row Fence (SRF), cross-border crime and development projects in border areas, officials said. The Indian delegation was led by BSF Kolkata Sector Deputy Inspector General (DIG) Tarni Kumar, while the BGB team was headed by Colonel Mehedi Hasan Chowdhury, Sector Commander of BGB Khulna. Senior officers, including battalion commanders and staff officers from both forces, were present. According to officials, the discussion touched upon measures to curb human trafficking, cattle smuggling, and illegal migratio