The White House on Wednesday said that the United States "elevated" its relationship with India, kicked off the pathbreaking iCET dialogue and launched Quad during the impactful tenure of President Joe Biden. In the Indo-Pacific, Biden's diplomacy made America more secure by deepening its economic and security partnerships in the region, both bilaterally and multilaterally, the White House said in a fact sheet that highlighted some of the key achievements of the Biden administration. Biden, 82, would complete his four-year term on January 20, when Donald Trump, 78, would be sworn in as the 47th president of the United States. The fact sheet noted that during these four years, Biden reinvigorated America's network of alliances and partnerships in the Indo-Pacific, including through the US-Japan-ROK and US-Japan-Philippines trilaterals, the Quad, AUKUS, IPEF, expanded partnership with the Philippines, and elevated relations with India, Indonesia, Vietnam, ASEAN, and Pacific Islands ..