The Enforcement Directorate on Wednesday said it has attached assets worth more than Rs 100 crore as part of a money laundering investigation against former AIADMK minister and serving MLA R Vaithilingam and some others. The two immovable properties are located in Tiruchirappalli and are registered in the name of Muthammal Estates Pvt Ltd, a family-owned entity, the federal agency claimed in a statement. Vaithiyalingam, a close aide of former Tamil Nadu chief minister O Panneerselvam (OPS), represents the Orathanadu seat in the Tamil Nadu Assembly. He was expelled along with OPS from the AIADMK in 2022 during the leadership tussle involving OPS and incumbent party chief Edappadi K Palaniswami. He has been a former minister for housing and urban development. The money laundering case of the ED is based on an FIR filed by the Tamil Nadu Directorate of Vigilance and Anti-Corruption (DVAC) where it was alleged that "R Vaithilingam, during his tenure, accepted a bribe of Rs 27.90 crore