Bookings as well as airfares for flights to Prayagraj have jumped multi-fold as more people travel for the Maha Kumbh, with the air ticket prices rising up to 21 per cent for the Delhi-Prayagraj flights. According to an analysis by travel portal ixigo, the one-way airfare between Bhopal and Prayagraj has surged the maximum at 498 per cent to Rs 17,796 from Rs 2,977 last year. These are one-way average fares on 30 days APD (advanced purchase date) basis for the January 13 to February 26, 2025, compared to the year-ago period. While the airfare from Delhi to Prayagraj has risen 21 per cent to Rs 5,748, the jump is 13 per cent to Rs 6,381 for the Mumbai-Prayagraj flight. The rise in the air ticket price is 89 per cent for the Bengaluru-Prayagraj service to Rs 11,158 while the increase is 41 per cent to Rs 10,364 for the Ahmedabad-Prayagraj flight, as per the analysis. For the flights to Lucknow and Varanasi, cities that are near Prayagraj where the Maha Kumbh is happening, airfares h