With just weeks to go for the Delhi assembly polls, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on Wednesday changed its candidates for Hari Nagar and Narela constituencies. The party replaced the outgoing Hari Nagar MLA Rajkumari Dhillon, who was fielded again by the party from the seat, with Surinder Setia. Dinesh Bharadwaj, fielded from Narela, was replaced by Sharad Chauhan. The changes came almost a month after the AAP announced its candidates for all 70 assembly seats in Delhi. The AAP shared the revised list of candidates from its X handle. Chauhan, a two-time AAP MLA from Narela, was dropped this time and Bhardwaj was named in the first list of candidates announced in December last year. Sources in the party claimed that the candidates were changed based on the ground reports from Narela and Hari Nagar seats. Chauhan, in a post on X, expressed gratitude towards the AAP's top leadership over the confidence they showed in him again. The elections for the 70-member Delhi Assembly are going to tak