Luxury homes, each costing Rs 4 crore and above, were in much demand last year with sales rising 53 per cent to 19,700 units across seven major cities, according to CBRE. In the 2023 calendar year, the sales of housing units, each priced Rs 4 crore and above, stood at 12,895 units. Sales of luxury homes in this price category were maximum in Delhi-NCR at 10,500 units during 2024 as compared to 5,525 units in the preceding year. Anshuman Magazine, Chairman & CEO - India, South-East Asia, Middle East & Africa, CBRE, said, "The residential real estate market is driven by strong fundamentals underpinned by robust end-user demand. We expect this momentum to continue, with both sales and new housing unit launches to remain steady in the coming quarters." Furthermore, Magazine noted that many cities traditionally associated with mid-end developments, such as Noida, Bengaluru, Pune, and Chennai, are increasingly witnessing a shift towards high-end projects. Commenting on the report, ..