The Delhi Women and Child Development Department has initiated a district-wise drive to identify Ladli Yojana beneficiaries who have not claimed their entitled payments. Launched on January 1, 2008, to empower girl children born in Delhi, the Ladli Yojana provides financial assistance in the form of term deposits: Rs 11,000 for hospital births, Rs 10,000 for home births, and Rs 5,000 each at key milestones -- enrolment in classes one, two, six, nine, and 10. A WCD official said around 1.86 lakh beneficiaries have not claimed the benefits under the scheme, while 1.66 lakh have either failed to renew their applications or dropped out of school. The official said many children change districts for schooling but do not renew their registration under the scheme, often due to a lack of awareness. Others discontinue their education midway, further complicating the renewal process. "To address this, officials overseeing the scheme in Delhi's 11 districts have been instructed to prepare ann