The Delhi High Court on Wednesday asked the Election Commission to consider at an appropriate stage a plea raising concerns over alleged duplication of names in the capital's voter list and adopt such technological tools that would assist it in eliminating such duplication. As the petitioner's counsel remarked that the Delhi assembly elections would be over by the time the Commission would consider his plea, a bench headed by Acting Chief Justice Vibhu Bakhru said, "before every election these matters come." "There is a process for revision of electoral roll. It can't be done at this stage," the bench, also comprising Justice Tushar Rao Gedela, said. The petitioner remarked that even the "ex-chief minister" was aggrieved by the issue. Advocate Sidhant Kumar, appearing for the Election Commission, said the petition did not show a single instance of alleged duplication. He further stated that the Commission has already undertaken the necessary procedure for revision of electoral rol