Bengaluru-based startup Pixxel announced the launch of three of the world's highest-resolution commercial hyperspectral satellites from the Vandenberg Space Force Base in California on Wednesday. The Firefly constellation satellites were integrated via Exolaunch and launched aboard the Transporter-12 rideshare mission with SpaceX. The launch took place around 1 am. Pixxel organised a livescreening of the launch at its headquarters in Bengaluru. With the launch of the first three satellites, Pixxel will now be able to deliver more precise critical climate and Earth insights, said founder and CEO Awais Ahmed. Ahmed was addressing reporters on the sidelines of the screening. He said the Firefly constellation was six times sharper than the 30-metre standard of most existing hyperspectral satellites, capturing fine details previously invisible to conventional systems. The Firefly also marks a watershed moment in India's space journey as the nation's first commercial satellite ...