Delhi's third woman Chief Minister Atishi, who replaced Arvind Kejriwal after his resignation in September last year, filed her nomination on Tuesday for the upcoming Assembly polls, declaring a net worth of Rs 76.93 lakh, with no car or house in her name. According to Atishi's affidavit submitted to the Election Commission (EC), her movable assets include Rs 30,000 cash in hand, gold jewellery worth Rs 1 lakh and approximately Rs 75 lakh held in bank accounts as fixed deposits and savings. The affidavit also revealed that Atishi does not own any immovable property. Atishi's financial assets have grown by Rs 17.14 lakh since the last Assembly election in 2020, when she declared a net worth of Rs 59.79 lakh. Even then, she did not own a car, house or other immovable property. Her income for the financial year 2023-24 stood at Rs 9,62,860, up from Rs 4,72,680 in 2022-23. After filing her nomination, Atishi expressed gratitude to her constituents. "On the occasion of Makar Sankranti,