Using laser, sound and light and multi-media technology, the Army on Wednesday will showcase in Pune the evolution of warfare from the ancient period to the contemporary era, drawing themes from Indian epics and modern wars. Defence Minister Rajnath Singh is scheduled to attend this event - 'Gaurav Gatha' -- to be held at the Bhagat Pavillion of the Bombay Engineers Group (BEG) and Centre in this historic city of Maharashtra as part of the 77th Army Day celebrations. Ahead of this "grand event", the Union minister is also slated to meet some 'Veer Nari' and veterans over tea on the premises of the BEG and Centre on Wednesday evening, a senior official here said. "The defence minister is also scheduled to unveil an app, virtually lay the foundation stone of an Army Paralympic Node before attending 'Gaurav Gatha' in the evening," he said. During this period of interaction, Singh will also be handed over a 'Kalash' containing 'sacred waters' collected from various forts in Maharashtra