The Congress Tuesday released a list of 15 candidates for the upcoming Delhi Assembly polls, fielding former Union minister Krishna Tirath from Patel Nagar and councillor Ariba Khan from Okhla. The party also replaced its candidate in the Gokalpur (SC) constituency, fielding Ishwar Bagri in place of Pramod Kumar Jayant. With this list, the Congress has declared a total of 63 candidates for the elections for the 70-member Delhi Assembly. Besides Tirath and Khan, the Congress' latest list includes Dharam Pal Lakda from Mundka, Rajesh Gupta from Kirari, Kunwar Karan Singh from Model Town, Prem Sharma from Hari Nagar, Harbani Kaur from Janakpuri and Mange Ram from Palam. The Congress, earlier this month, released a single-name list, fielding Mahila Congress chief Alka Lamba from Kalkaji to take on Chief Minister Atishi. On December 24, the party released its second list of 26 candidates. The party had released its first list of 21 candidates earlier in December, fielding ex-MP Sandeep