Haryana BJP chief Mohanlal Badoli and a singer were booked after a woman alleged that she was gang-raped by them in a hotel in Kasauli. Himachal Pradesh Police has registered an FIR against the two men, officials said on Tuesday.
PTI reached out to Badoli but no response was received.
According to the complainant, the two men made videos of the act and threatened to kill the victim if she disclosed the incident to anyone, they said.
The FIR registered in Kasauli in Solan district on December 13, 2024, names Badoli and Jai Bhagwan alias Rocky. A copy of the FIR was doing the rounds on social media on Tuesday.
According to the FIR, the woman was staying in a hotel in Kasauli with her boss and friend when they met the two accused on July 3, 2023. While Badoli introduced himself as a political leader, Rocky introduced himself as a singer.
Later, the woman and her friend went into a room with the two accused, who promised to help the complainant get a government job and a chance to fea