Seers from various 'akharas' took the first 'Amrit Snan' at the Maha Kumbh on Makar Sankranti on Tuesday as an unbroken stream of people converged at the Triveni Sangam on the occasion with around 3.5 crore devotees taking a dip. Leading most of the akharas were ash-smeared Naga sadhus or naked seers who mesmerised onlookers with their discipline and mastery of traditional weapons. From skilfully wielding spears and swords to energetically playing the 'damru', their demonstrations were a vibrant celebration of age-old traditions, an official statement said. In addition to the male Naga sadhus, female Naga ascetics were also present in significant numbers. According to the Uttar Pradesh government, around 3.5 crore devotees took a dip on Tuesday, almost double the first day's figure. While the the first major 'snan' of the Maha Kumbh was on Monday on the occasion of 'Paush Purnima', the akharas or the members of the Hindu monastic orders took their first snan on Makar Sankranti. S