President Droupadi Murmu on Monday termed India's achievements in the field of milk products "extraordinary", saying livestock plays an important role in the rural economy of the country. The president made the remarks after virtually inaugurating/launching cow induction, Giftmilk and market support for the Odisha State Cooperative Milk Producers' Federation (OMFED) initiatives of the National Dairy Development Board from the Rashtrapati Bhavan here. India has a diverse range of livestock breeds, all of which have contributed to the rich agricultural heritage of the country, she said. Stating that livestock plays an important role in the rural economy and rural household income, Murmu said, "To support and promote our livestock, several measures and policy efforts have been taken by the government for their breed development and genetic upgradation." India's achievements in the field of milk and milk products are extraordinary, she added. "The productivity of our Milch cattle has