Real estate company Puravankara Ltd on Monday reported a 2 per cent increase in its sales bookings to Rs 1,265 crore for the latest December quarter on high demand for homes during festivals.
Its sales bookings stood at Rs 1,241 crore in the year-ago period.
Puravankara Managing Director Ashish Puravankara said, "The growth in collections is a clear reflection of our strong operational efficiency. In the first nine months of this fiscal, we achieved collections of Rs 2,991 crore, a 19 per cent year-on-year increase".
"Keeping in line with our acquisition strategy and our growth plans for the current and next financial year, we have invested approximately Rs 1,100 crore this fiscal, adding a potential GDV of around Rs 10,500 crore," he added.
Bengaluru-based Puravankara Ltd is one of the leading real estate developers in the country.