Jan Suraaj party founder Prashant Kishor on Monday claimed that Bihar Governor Arif Mohammad Khan has assured of taking steps to find a solution to the BPSC examination row. Addressing a press conference here, Kishor said a delegation of BPSC aspirants will visit the Raj Bhavan in the afternoon to apprise the governor about the matter. The 70th Combined Competitive Examination held on December 13 has been in the eye of a storm over allegations of question paper leak, which has been denied by the BPSC, though a fresh test was ordered for more than 12,000 candidates. Respected Bihar Governor has taken the initiative and assured that efforts will be made to find a solution to the issue involving the recently concluded BPSC exam. Steps will also be taken to hold a dialogue between the government and the protesting aspirants. This has been assured by the governor. An 11-member delegation of BPSC aspirants will meet the governor in this regard, he said. Kishor also asserted that he would