The Maha Kumbh 2025 at Prayagraj is set to witness a "Yuva Maha Kumbh", a mega gathering of youth and students from across the country bound by a common thread: Swami Vivekananda, whose birth anniversary on January 12 is celebrated as National Youth Day.
This initiative to mobilise the student community has been undertaken by the Vivekananda Kendra, established in 1972, with its first UP chapter opening in 2006 in Lucknow. The Kendra's motto of 'Man Making and Nation Building' is at its core.
"From January 20, the Vivekananda Kendra will hold a Yuva Maha Kumbh at the mega Maha Kumbh. The gathering will include youth and students -- undergraduate, postgraduate, engineering and management students, teachers and those preparing for competitive exams. They will participate in a day-long workshop where the takeaway from Swami Vivekananda's thoughts will be discussed and disseminated," Deep Narayan Pandey (38) head of the Kendra's Lucknow chapter, told PTI.
"We will meditate and discuss .