The Congress on Saturday accused the BJP government in Manipur of paying Rs 6.27 crore to a Kuki Zo militant outfit in July last year, even after breaking away from an agreement that entailed it to provide the money to the group.
The money was given to the Hmar People's Convention (Democratic), a signatory of the Suspension of Operations (SoO) agreement, though the state government walked away from the pact in February 2023, Manipur Congress president Keisham Meghachandra claimed in a press conference here.
The HPC-D signed the SoO pact with the Manipur government in 2013 when the Congress was in power.
According to the conditions laid down in the agreement, the HPC-D men would be allowed free movement anywhere in the state without firearms. Security forces would not launch any operation against its members unless they violate the terms and conditions of the SoO.
"The state government gave Rs 6.27 crore in July 2024 to Hmar Peoples Convention (Democratic) by a cheque, though the st