Development projects worth Rs 6,000 crore have been implemented in the higher education sector over the past four years, Kerala Minister for Higher Education and Social Justice R Bindu said on Saturday. Speaking at a press conference, the minister said the state's higher education sector is being elevated to international standards. "A total of Rs 2,000 crore was allocated for infrastructure expansion. Significant advancements have been made in this sector through initiatives funded by the Kerala Infrastructure Investment Fund Board (KIIFB), Plan Fund, and the Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA)," she said. She also stated that the laboratory complexes established at Kerala University and MG University have become the largest facilities of their kind in South India. "Over the past few years, Rs 250 crore has been spent to upgrade the laboratory facilities at CUSAT to high standards," she added. The two-day conclave on higher education, organised by the Department of Higher