An NGO on Saturday claimed that at least 474 homeless people in Delhi have died due to "winter exposure" between November 15, 2024, and January 10, 2025. The claim made by Centre for Holistic Development (CHD), an NGO working for the welfare of homeless, however, has no official confirmation. In a letter addressed to Delhi Chief Secretary Dharmendra and Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board (DUSIB) Chief Executive Officer Ravi Dhawan, CHD cited police statistics, indicating that an alarming 80 per cent of "unidentified dead bodies" in the city are believed of homeless individuals. "Between November 15 2024 to January 10, 2025, 474 homeless people died in Delhi due to the 'winter exposure' and unavailability of essential protective measures such as warm clothing, blankets, or adequate shelter," the NGO claimed. CHD also highlighted that people living on the streets face numerous health challenges, including respiratory infections, skin ailments, arthritis flare-ups, and deterioratin