Union Minister for Petroleum and Natural Gas, Hardeep Singh Puri on Saturday said India's energy security will fuel the country's bid to become a USD 4 trillion economy much earlier than the projected 2027. Puri was addressing a session at the 7th Mangaluru Literary Festival on Saturday. He said the International Monetary Fund has projected India to reach there by 2027. But if the present trajectory continues, India will arrive there much before that, Puri said. The seventh edition of the festival was inaugurated by legendary Kannada writer S L Bhyrappa at the T M A Pai Auditorium. Following the inauguration, Puri delivered his key note address on India's energy security. According to Puri, there is no shortage of fossil fuel in the world. He said a few oil-producing and exporting countries project the fossil fuels as short-lived resources for their own cartelising motives. He also said India has ramped up its refinery capacity from 5 million barrels of crude to 5.4 million barre