Seeking to downplay the power tussle within the Congress, Karnataka Deputy Chief Minister D K Shivakumar on Saturday said the people of the state have blessed the ruling party for five years and that he and Chief Minister Siddaramaiah will continue functioning as per the directions of the high command. With supporters hailing him as the 'next Chief Minister' on his arrival here, Shivakumar, who is also the state Congress President, said he does not need anyone's support and will abide by what the party tells him. "No one should worry; there is no need for any political turn. People have blessed us and given us an opportunity, and we will continue for five years. All the talks going on are without any value. The Chief Minister and I will continue functioning as per the directions of the party," Shivakumar told reporters in response to a question. Asked about workers or supporters demanding that he should be the next CM, Shivakumar said, "I don't want anyone to demand anything from me