Veteran filmmaker Shekhar Kapur says he is trying to rediscover the creative naivety that shaped "Masoom" as he prepares for its much-awaited sequel.
Veteran stars Shabana Azmi and Naseeruddin Shah, who played lead roles in the 1983 film, are set to return for the sequel which will start shooting this year.
Speaking at the red carpet of the inaugural Indian Film Festival Germany, where "Masoom" will be screened, the veteran director said the movie was born out of his complete inexperience and that gave it a unique quality.
"It's like an attempt to go back to my childhood. And how do I become naive again? Because even Picasso said that. They asked him, 'what do you really want?' He said, 'I want to paint like I've never made a painting before.' And that was 'Masoom'.
"'Masoom' was made by a person that did not know a thing about it. So I just said, 'okay, let me try.' And so I just had to concentrate on the story because I didn't know what a camera was and how that worked and ...