The Kerala High Court on Friday said the Centre has agreed to the freeing up of Rs 120 crore for immediate use by the Kerala state government in connection with the rehabilitation proceedings ongoing at Wayanad, where a massive landslide occurred on July 30 last year. While hearing a case taken on its own for prevention and management of natural disasters in the state in the wake of the landslides that devastated three villages in Wayanad district and claimed over 200 lives, a Division Bench of Justices A K Jayasankaran Nambiar and Easwaran S recorded the Central government's consent to free up Rs 120 crore of arrears owed by the state to the Centre in airlift charges over the years. "The said amount can accordingly be used in relaxation of the SDRF/NDRF norms of the Central Government," an order of High Court stated. Additional Solicitor General of India A R L Sundaresan placed before the High Court a letter, dated January 2, of the Assistant Director (DM), Ministry of Home Affairs