A Delhi court on Friday directed the CBI to give a three-day prior written notice to Congress MP Karti Chidambaram in a fresh corruption case alleging he gave relief to a liquor company over the duty-free sale of its whisky.
Special judge Kaveri Baweja passed the order while directing Chidambaram to join the investigation and cooperate in the process as and when required by the agency.
The judge was hearing Chidambaram's anticipatory bail plea in the case.
"The investigating agency shall give three-days written notice prior to the applicant in case his arrest is required after he joins the investigation of the case upon return to the country on January 12, 2025. The applicant shall join the investigation of the case upon his return to the country and cooperate in the process of investigation, as and when so required in accordance with law," the judge said.
The CBI registered the case against Chidambaram for allegedly giving relief to Diageo Scotland over a ban imposed by ITDC (Indi