The Enforcement Directorate Friday said it has conducted searches against the promoters of a company that collects safari fee at a tiger reserve in Maharashtra for alleged fraud of Rs 12 crore with the state government.
The raids were carried out between January 8 and 9 at seven premises in the adjoining districts of Chandrapur and Nagpur related to Abhishek Vinodkumar Thakur and Rohit Vinodkumar Thakur, owners of the company named Wild Connectivity Solutions (WCS), and their related entities, the federal agency said in a statement.
WCS was engaged by the Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve, through a service-level agreement of December 2021, to provide uninterrupted services to visitors, including collecting entry fees, gypsy charges and guide charges, the ED said.
"However, the company owners (Abhishek Vinodkumar Thakur and Rohit Vinodkumar Thakur) violated the terms of the agreement and cheated the Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve Conservation Foundation to the extent of Rs 12.15 crore duri