ISRO Chairman S Somanath said on Friday that industries have a phenomenal role to play in achieving India's Space Vision 2047, rolled out by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. ISRO chairman-designate V Narayanan also echoed the same view. In his pre-recorded inaugural speech, at the biennial National Aerospace Manufacturing Seminar (NAMS) 2025, Somanath said that the industries will face significant challenges as their collaboration with the space programme is going to increase substantially. One of the challenges would be the regular production of rockets, satellites and other systems required for the space programme and the other would be engineering, manufacturing and supplying items like new space crafts and systems, miniature electronics, large propulsion tanks and engines, he said. "They have to be produced in numbers to meet the tight schedules," he added. He said the task was a huge one as the strength of the space community in the public sector was not increasing ...