Gold prices rose Rs 250 to Rs 80,550 per 10 grams in the national capital on Friday as rupee hit record low amid consistent buying from retailers and stockists, according to the All India Sarafa Association. The precious metal ended the previous session at Rs 80,300 per 10 grams. However, silver traded flat at Rs 93,000 per kg on Friday. The price of gold of 99.5 per cent purity continuing to shine bright for the fourth straight session by appreciating Rs 250 to Rs 80,150 per 10 grams. It had finished at Rs 79,900 per 10 grams on Thursday. Traders said the rise in gold prices at local market is also propelled by robust overseas demand. Meanwhile, the rupee declined 14 paise and touched the crucial 86-mark for the first time against the US dollar on Friday as it failed to resist pressure from a stronger American currency and huge outflow of foreign funds. On a weekly basis, gold prices surged Rs 1,550, or 2 per cent, to Rs 80,550 per 10 grams, while silver shot up 2.5 per cent to