External affairs minister S Jaishankar on Friday described the three-day 18th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas being held here as highly successful. Speaking about the event, Jaishankar, who arrived here on January 8 to oversee preparations, said, "The Pravasi Bharatiya Divas is going very well. Shortly, President Droupadi Murmu will arrive for the valedictory session. I believe this has been a highly successful event." The minister appreciated the cultural programmes held during the event, saying Thursday's performance beautifully highlighted the connection between India and its diaspora. "Everyone must have seen Thursday's cultural programme, which beautifully showcased the bond between India and its diaspora," he added. Jaishankar also met students from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Harvard University during the event. In a post on X, he wrote, "Pleased to meet young scholars from Harvard and MIT on an India familiarization tour today on the sidelines of ...