Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw on Thursday said that the hydrogen fuel-run train engine developed by Indian Railways has the maximum horsepower in the world. Vaishnaw, who is also the Union Minister in charge of Information and Broadcasting and Electronics & Information Technology, said this while speaking at a plenary session titled Green Connections: Diaspora's Contribution to Sustainable Development of the Pravasi Bharatiya Divas convention here. Stating that only four countries in the world make such train engines, Vaishnaw said, They produce somewhere between 500 to 600 horsepower while the engine produced by Indian Railways using indigenous technology has an output of 1,200 horsepower, the highest so far in this category." The minister said the first such train is expected to make a trial run in Haryana soon on the Jind-Sonipat route. While the engine manufacturing has been completed, system integration of the same is currently underway, he said. Noting that India's own .