The appliances and consumer electronics industry on Thursday urged the government to bring the second round of the production-linked incentive (PLI) scheme for products like compressors and motors and rationalise taxes and tariffs on imports. It has also asked for reductions in tariffs on imports, which will help to make the products competitive in the global market, said industry body Consumer Electronics & Appliances Manufacturers Association (CEAMA). "We, over a period of time, need to reduce the taxes. We need to reduce our tariffs so that really, our manufacturers can become competitive. We have a large base, and really we should be manufacturing for the world," said CEAMA President Sunil Vachani. Besides, he also suggested creating large centres of excellence along the coastal areas, "where we can offer plug and play facilities to our MSMEs and offer land at attractive rates to a large corporate". This will help in building export competitiveness, Vachani added while ...