AAP supremo Arvind Kejriwal on Thursday lodged a complaint with the Election Commission, alleging that the BJP has manipulated the electoral roll in the New Delhi assembly constituency from where he is contesting the upcoming elections.
Kejriwal alleged that people associated with the BJP applied to add 13,000 new voters in the electoral roll and they sought to cancel 5,500 voter entries to "influence" the voting in its favour.
The former Delhi chief minister visited the Election Commission (EC) on Thursday to lodge a complaint against these alleged malpractices.
Addressing the media after meeting EC officials, Kejriwal said, "In the past 22 days, 5,500 applications have been received for deletion of voter names in the New Delhi constituency. There are about one lakh voters in this constituency, meaning applications to remove 5.5 per cent of the electorate have been filed in just 22 days."
"This raises serious concerns, as when the Election Commission contacted some of these people