Envision Energy India on Thursday said it has secured a 1 GW wind energy project and its first 320 MWh battery energy storage system order from Juniper Green Energy (JGE).
JGE will deploy Wind Turbine Generators (WTGs) for various projects secured through State and Central auctions, as well as the Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) package for the Firm Dispatchable Renewable Energy (FDRE) project awarded to SJVN under its first FDRE auction, according to a statement.
Envision Energy India said it has signed up with JGE for the supply of 200 EN 182|5MW turbine platforms, along with its debut 320 MWh BESS.
Envision's WTGs are based on 182-metre rotor diameter, hub height of 140-metre and an ideal configuration for wind & site conditions in India.
This 5MW turbine platform has a proven performance in booming markets of Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, Southeast Asia, and China.
Envision's energy storage solution with 5MWh and 20-feet containerised storage unit will be ..