Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu will leave for Tirupati on Thursday to visit those injured in a stampede, sources said. Six devotees died and over 40 were injured in the stampede on Wednesday night as hundreds of them jostled for tickets for Vaikunta Dwara Darshanam at Lord Venkateswara Swamy temple on Tirumala Hills. Naidu will be visiting SVR Ruia Government General Hospital and SVIMS Hospital between noon and 3 pm, where the injured are being treated, sources said. The CM will also conduct a review meeting with the Executive Officer and others over the incident. Tirupati district collector S Venkateswar on Wednesday told reporters that out of the six deceased devotees, five were women and a man. One deceased person came from Salem in Tamil Nadu and another from Narsipatnam in Andhra Pradesh, he said. According to the collector, the incident occurred at Bairagi Patteda near MGM School in the temple town. Hundreds of devotees turned up from across the country