Balanced diet, effective breed and manure management and precision dairy farming technologies could improve dairy productivity in India and reduce planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions from the sector, according to a new report. The report, titled "India's Dairy Future: Aligning Livelihoods, Growth, and Climate Solutions", says the doubling of the female bovine population in India -- from 122.7 million in 1972 to 246.7 million in 2019 -- has led to a corresponding doubling of greenhouse gas emissions from dairy animals. India's livestock sector is projected to account for 15.7 per cent of global enteric methane emissions by 2050, it said. According to the data published by the International Energy Agency earlier this year, India is the third largest emitter of methane. Studies suggest livestock are responsible for about 48 per cent of all methane emissions in the country, with cattle accounting for the majority of it. Despite the significant rise in female bovine population and .