We’ve recently written at HuffPost UK about a couple who “leaked” fake (and ridiculous) baby names to their family because they were sick of the endless suggestions. 

When it comes down to it, though, it’s usually the pets who get the more experimental options. After all, it’s not like your tabby will get picked on for how their name sounds when the teacher calls it out from the register.

Names like Fudge, Gerbil, and Simba crop up in the UK’s 100 most popular dog names, for instance (the baby name list is a lot less fun).

So, I was pretty excited to read the responses to a post shared in Reddit’s . “Vets of the UK, what’s the stupidest, weirdest pet name you’ve heard?”  asked. 

Here are some of our favourite responses:

1. “I knew a girl who named her rabbit Hoppenheimer.”


2. “We have an Obi Bun Kenobi.”

“He always brings a smile to the vets, especially since he’s the only rabbit who licks them.”


3. “A friend of my parents had cats called ‘You’re not going out dressed like that’ and ‘What time do you call this then?’”

“Purely so he could stand at his door and shout out their names.”


4. “I had giant African land snails called AstroBob the Gastropod, and his wife Susan.”


5. “Not a vet, but all the receptionists and vets at our practice seem to love my cat’s name.”

“Clemmington Fluffypants.”


6. “I used to volunteer and someone had named a sheep called Will I Ram.”

“Their dog was Jerry Springer.”


7. “Not a vet but I once rescued a lost cat called Mr. Meowgli.”


8. “Had a dog called Moat…”

“Because it ran around the house.”


9. “Girlfriend’s mum had a tortoise called Voldetort.”


Do you have any fun names to add? Let us know!