Is your bedtime routine a bit like this?Is your bedtime routine a bit like this?

When it comes to kids’ bedtime routines, we all have those little things that help make the process that bit easier – the set number of (3,934,586,098) bedtime stories, the little pyjama dance, the teeth-cleaning song (just me?).

Recently, the brilliant minds behind Instagram account @betchesmoms asked parents to share the weirdest part of their child’s bedtime routine – and the answers are undeniably funny.

From the kid who has to snuggle a (fresh) nappy, to the boy who gets two minutes to look at the weather app, I am so relieved it’s not just our household who’s going through this bizarre parenting rite of passage. 

Here are the best responses...

  1. He has to see a picture of a time he was sad and then a time he was happy. 

  2. Three washcloth puppets have to join us for book time. They don’t come out any other time. 

  3. We have to sing rockabye baby to each family member by name, including the dog.

  4. We say “ahoy matey” as the last thing before turning off the lights.

  5. She sleeps with a clean diaper as if it’s a stuffed animal.

  6. I must throw his blanket from the chair onto his bed, then he runs exactly four laps.

  7. She must be holding my arm skin. Sleeves are not acceptable.

  8. We have to look out the window until we see a bus drive by so she can say good night to the bus. 

  9. 2-year-old went through a phase where she had to watch YouTube videos of Ferris wheels being constructed.

  10. My daughter just raw-dogs two slices of American cheese.

  11. We used to have to sing happy birthday to everyone she’s ever met plus the entire gang of Sesame Street, individually.

  12. I have to talk to her like Gru from Despicable Me and say “Goodniiighttt, leettle guorrrl.” Even I’m creeped out.

  13. Two-minute timer for him to look at the weather app on my phone.

How to get your child to go to bed

If you spend about a thousand years putting your kid to bed, welcome to the club. The good news is there are certain things you can be doing to get your kids to wind down a bit easier. 

Sleep consultant Jenna Wilson at Little Dreams Consulting and sleep coach Dave Gibson caught up with baby retailer JoJo Maman Bébé to share their sleep hacks. And perhaps the most important of all is sticking to the same bedtime (even with the evenings getting lighter).

“Consistency is the key here as this conditions our brain to anticipate sleep is coming,” said Gibson.

“The ideal bedtime routine would involve doing a series of relaxing rituals in the same order at the same time each night.”

With younger children, it’s really important to not vary bedtimes too much, he said, suggesting “15 minutes either way is fine”.

“If they need to stay up later than usual, put them down for a nap during the day so they have some ‘sleep in the bank’. It’s important to maintain the schedule on weekends too,” he added. 

For Wilson, a good evening routine looks a bit like this: some quiet play time in a dimly lit room and a story before sleep. Experts also agree that we shouldn’t be using devices an hour before bed (sorry miniature weather app fans).

“It can be tricky to have quiet time before bed but aim for 10-15 minutes inside with the curtains closed and a lamp on so your child can start to produce melatonin (the hormone which helps sleep),” Wilson said.

Got it.