Writer and broadcaster Pandora Sykes is hoping that in 10 years’ time, the fog of permanent exhaustion will have lifted, and that she’ll be enjoying new pockets of time and peace

Hey. Hi. Hello! I love writing letters to people I care about and so I thought I’d give this “writing to myself” thing a go. That said, it’s strange to be writing to a future me. Partly because I can’t picture you – how the years might have softened or hardened you – and partly because I have a mixed relationship with “the future”. I have to couch it in quotation marks so it seems sillier, softer. It can feel quite daunting, I think: that wide open path where terrible and joyful things can bloom. But I’m also quite excited for it. My 30s so far have been a decade of chaos, of three young children, of learning to be a mother (a lesson that never ends), of growing and burning out, and growing and burning out …

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