The daughter of a masked killer is keen to follow her father into slaughtering local popular teenagers, but there’s a problem: it’s just not silly enough

In the sleepy town of Clover Falls, popular teens are butchered with regularity by a disfigured masked killer in the Freddy/Jason/Michael mode, named Roger Bladecut (Billy Burke). Their deaths are (somehow, invisibly) filmed and sold as horror movies at the local video store, run by Roger Bladecut. This maniac’s daughter, Abbie (Sari Arambulo), is for some reason keen to follow in her father’s footsteps, but when she starts hanging out with other teens realises that maybe murdering your fellow humans isn’t all its cracked up to be.

Even a cursory outline of the premise is probably enough to set alarm bells ringing for anyone with even a passing interest in plausible world-building. For those willing to suspend their disbelief, Bloody Axe Wound features some charismatic performances (from Sam Crane and Eddie Leavy in particular), a banging soundtrack crammed with riot grrrl riffs, and some nice juicy practical gore effects.

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