With a knack for backing losers, the former enthusiastic supporter of Liz Truss became shadow home secretary

If Chris Philp didn’t exist, would it be possible to create him? Is such a feat of imagination even possible? Consider the complexities – the absurdity, the halfwittedness. The unfailing ability to jump on the wrong bandwagon. And yet … To have succeeded to the limits of the Peter principle. To be the embodiment of the Dunning-Kruger effect. The apotheosis of mediocrity. The charisma of a muddy puddle.

The Philpster also has the uncanny knack of backing a loser. One of his businesses was wound up due to lack of funds. He was an enthusiastic supporter of Liz Truss long before anyone fully understood just how hopeless she was. If you’re looking for someone to blame for your mortgage costs, he’s your man.

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