Labor’s social media age ban is likely to pass, following a rapid three-day inquiry with just one day to make submission. Follow today’s news live
Teal MP touts alternative to government’s under-16 social media ban
Independent MP Zoe Daniel was on ABC News Breakfast earlier to discuss her alternative to the under-16 social media age ban, which she introduced as a private members bill yesterday.
What you need to make that work is the companies to assess the risks, mitigate the risks, be transparent about how they’re doing that.
The bill builds in penalties so if the companies do not comply, they could be fined up to 10% of global revenue. Also, their onshore executives could be held accountable for that … and the bill also has a provision to enable users to have control over the algorithm, as exists overseas, particularly in the EU …
[There are] obviously privacy concerns, and given the government’s had to pull their misinformation [and] disinformation – or their censoring the Australian public – bill from the Senate this week, we want to make sure we get strong, robust laws that don’t damage the [right to] privacy and make compulsory Australians having to have digital IDs.
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