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Welcome back, everyone, to the Round of Arsenal, otherwise known as the last-16 of Bigger Cup since the Wenger years, and for us it will always be thus. Pedants will point out that ‘ooooooh, Arsenal weren’t even in Bigger Cup for many years’ and ‘oooooooh, Arsenal actually won their last-16 tie against Porto last season’. It doesn’t matter. This is the Round of Arsenal. Manchester United didn’t always score in injury time under Sir Alex Ferguson. They didn’t even score late goals most of the time. But that didn’t mean that particular watch-tapping, chewing-gumming stoppage time didn’t have a name. And this, so-called Bigger Cup round-of-16, is yours.

Reading your reference to the boy Line-acre (yesterday’s Football Daily) reminded me of your own Big Paper’s commitment to educational furtherment back in 1986 by declining the verb ‘to done great’. I done great, you done great, he done great, we done great, you done great, they done great, the boy Line-acre done great. Halcyon days indeed” – Jack Mignall.

Manchester United are apparently trying to get out of the lease on their London offices. I think that Big Sir Jim Ratcliffe needs to have a rethink. Surely the whole point of United having a London office is to be close to their fan base” – Robert Darby.

I was disappointed that the seemingly interminable riff about the FA Cup ‘losing its magic’ (yesterday’s Football Daily) failed to pose the question: ‘What do you call a magician who has lost his magic?’ Ian, obviously” – Harry Hill Andy Korman.

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