Fifty-one-year-old Ian Gray has a lot to be thankful for — a wife and two healthy, grown children, a supportive work environment and, thanks to a recent preventive-based health assessment, a properly functioning heart.
Gray joined Copeman Healthcare when his company decided to invest in the health of its employees by offering each partner the chance to complete an annual health assessment. Even though Gray had no recent health concerns, when the opportunity arose, he happily got onboard.
Being physically active and diet-conscious have always been a part of life for Gray as he was born with an inherited form of heart disease called bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) disease. Typically, the aortic valve has three leaflets that regulate blood flow. A BAV is an aortic valve that only has two leaflets. Some people can have a bicuspid valve and never know it, while others can develop serious complications. Luckily, Gray was diagnosed at birth.
“By the age of five, I was having regular checkups to monitor the condition and was always told that I’d eventually need surgery to replace the defective valve,” notes Gray. “Even so, I grew up as a healthy, active boy until I was 18 years old and the doctors told me I should stop playing junior hockey due to risk of overexertion during practice.”
Gray ended up having valve replacement surgery at 21, started taking blood thinners and continued living a healthy life, even running half marathons, boxing and going to the gym. Other than a successful 2009 surgery to replace an aortic arch that had an abnormal bulge, he had no other health issues.
In January of 2019, Gray had his first annual health assessment at Copeman Healthcare. The assessment was led by Dr. Raymond McConville and other members of his Copeman Healthcare team including a family health nurse, a registered dietitian and a kinesiologist.
“It’s a very thorough assessment — blood work, family history, physical examination, etc. — they spend the better part of the day with you, talking, listening, taking everything into consideration.”
As part of the comprehensive assessment, clients undergo a stress test that shows how the heart works during physical activity. Because exercise makes the heart pump harder and faster, an exercise stress test can reveal problems with blood flow.
Because of his history, Gray had completed several stress tests with cardiologists prior to his assessment at Copeman. It was common for him to fail the tests because of his condition. Typically, those failures were chalked up as false positives because of his mechanical valve. The results from Gray’s stress test at Copeman indicated a fail as well.
“When the results of Ian’s stress test came back positive, showing a hypertensive response to exercise, I decided to recommend additional testing,” says Dr. McConville. “With any positive result we usually consider coronary CT angiography. Even with his history of BAV, I called Ian immediately, explained the situation and options for testing and set up a CT scan at his local hospital.
“The scan identified that he had been leaking blood into his chest cavity just above where the aortic arch was operated on in 2009. It was a small leak, but if it had turned into a big leak, he would have bled out in a minute or two.”
Gray was immediately scheduled for surgery. The very difficult procedure lasted about eight hours, but it was a success. Since then he has been on the road to recovery.
“I feel like I’ve won the lottery in so many ways. I’m so fortunate — to have been born in Canada, to have great work partners, for having great surgeons and for Dr. McConville and the rest of my supportive Copeman team.
“I was talking with one of the hospital’s senior cardiologists and he asked about how I found out about the leak. I told him about the failed stress test, which is normal for someone with my history, but that as a precaution my doctor scheduled the scan that detected the leak.
“He told me, ‘You should buy that physician a very nice bottle of something, because he probably saved your life. If a cardiologist had done that test, they almost certainly would have ruled it out due to BAV.’ ”
These days, Gray is feeling great with plans to get back into downhill skiing and has his sights set on water-skiing this summer. In the meantime, he continues with his annual Copeman health assessment and is thankful for the power of prevention.
To learn more about how Copeman Healthcare can help you take steps towards better health, call Carlene Clemence at 587-318-5471 or email .
This story, written by Kevin Bell, was supplied by Copeman Healthcare for commercial purposes.