It can be quite annoying when you suddenly find yourself with a bunch of overripe bananas and have no idea what to do with them. Bananas ripen fast, especially in Nigeria’s warm climate, and before you know it, they’re too soft and mushy to eat fresh. 

If you are in this situation, you do not have to throw them away as they still have some uses. Here are some uses for your overripe bananas.

1) Banana pancakes

Overripe bananas take your usual pancakes to the next level. To make this, you mash them and mix with flour, eggs, and a little sugar for fluffy banana pancakes.  

2) Blend into smoothies

A great way to use overripe bananas is to make a smoothie. Blend them with milk, groundnuts, honey, or even a scoop of peanut butter for a rich and nutritious drink. You can also add other fruits like mango, pineapple, or oranges for extra flavour.  

3) Banana bread or cake

Overripe bananas are perfect for banana bread or cake. They make the bread moist and naturally sweet, reducing the need for sugar. You can add chopped groundnuts or coconut flakes for a local twist.  

ALSO READ: Do you know you can get 'high' on bananas? Here are 3 ways

4) Make akamu (pap) sweeter

If you love taking akamu (pap) with akara or moi-moi, try mashing an overripe banana into it instead of adding sugar. It gives a natural sweetness and a creamy texture.  

5) Homemade baby food

For mothers with babies, overripe bananas make excellent baby food. Simply mash the banana and mix with a little breast milk, formula, or plain yoghurt for a healthy, natural meal.  

6) Banana ice cream

You can also turn your overripe bananas into ice-cream. Freeze overripe bananas, then blend them until smooth and creamy. You can add cocoa powder for a chocolate flavour or mix in some chopped nuts.

EXPLORE: 5 amazing benefits of banana peel you should know

7) Feed to chickens or pets

If you have chickens, goats, or dogs, they will love overripe bananas. Instead of wasting them, mash and mix into their food for added nutrition. 

Next time your bananas go soft and spotty, which of these ideas will you try first?

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