We can all agree that in today’s world, lots of children spend more time on screens rather than playing outside. There's cartoons, games and so many things that occupy their time on a phone/ipad.
This trend has led to many parents struggling with getting their children to reduce screen time. While screen time for children has its benefits, too much of it can affect their social skills, sleep, and even school performance.
If you’re wondering how to gradually reduce your child’s dependence on screens without causing tantrums, here are some things to try.
1) Start gradually
If your children usually spend hours on their phones/iPads, it will be unrealistic to take the phone away all at once. Instead, start by reducing screen time gradually. If they usually spend three hours daily on the phone, reduce it to two hours, then one, until they develop healthier habits.
2) Set clear rules and boundaries
Children need structure, so set clear rules around screen time. You can set rules like, no phone/iPad during meals, no screens one hour before bedtime or screen time is only allowed after homework and chores are done. Stick to these rules consistently so your child knows what to expect.
3) Offer fun alternatives
Many children turn to screens because they are bored. Give them other interesting activities like:
Playing outside with friends or siblings.
Learning a new skill (such as cooking, painting, or playing an instrument).
Engaging in storytelling or reading books with short stories.
Board games or puzzles that can be played as a family.
If they find something else fun, they will naturally reduce their interest in the phone.
ALSO READ: When to give your child their first mobile phone & how to keep them safe
4) Be a role model
If your child sees you glued to your phone all day, they will find it hard to let go of theirs. Reduce your screen time too, especially during family time. Show them that life outside the screen is enjoyable.
5) Make it a reward, not a right
Instead of letting your child have access to the phone or iPad all the time, try making it something they have to earn. For instance:
“You can have 30 minutes of screen time after you finish your homework.”
“If you help mummy in the kitchen, you get 15 minutes of YouTube.”
This teaches them discipline and helps them understand that screens are a privilege, not a necessity.
6) Encourage them to play outside
Most of us grew up enjoying outdoor games and these can still work for your children. These could be games like football or even skipping. Encourage your child to go outside and play with friends. The more they engage in physical activities, the less time they will want to spend on a screen.
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7) Be patient and firm
Weaning your child off screen time will definitely not be easy as children will resist change, and there might be tantrums, especially in the beginning. Stay patient but firm. Explain why reducing screen time is important, and reassure them that they will still have time to watch their favourite shows, just not all day.
Which of these tips are you going to try?
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