Ever wondered if animals can hold grudges? Well, say hello to the crow family! 

Crows may look like ordinary birds, but don’t be fooled, they are one of the smartest animals on the planet!

These black-feathered creatures have excellent memory, can recognise human faces, and even hold grudges. If you ever cross a crow the wrong way, you might have just made an enemy for life! Here’s why you should never offend a crow.  

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Crows have an impressive ability to remember people, especially those who treat them badly. Scientists have found that if you annoy a crow, it won’t forget your face. Even worse, it might tell other crows about you.  

What this means is that if you chase or harm a crow, it might recognise you months or even years later.  Other crows in the area might also see you as a threat and warn their friends.  

Unlike most birds, crows have a long memory and can hold grudges. If you offend one, don’t be surprised if you start seeing crows gathering near you, cawing angrily or even swooping down at you. Basically, if you mess with a crow once, expect payback in the future. Even if you move to another area, a crow might still remember you and pass the warning to other crows.  

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Crows don’t just live alone; they have tight-knit family groups and communities. When one crow is in danger or feels threatened, it will call out to others for help. Which is why if you upset one crow, don’t be surprised if a whole gang of crows starts harassing you. They also share information across generations, meaning even young crows might learn to dislike you!  

Crows are known for their problem-solving skills. They use tools, play tricks, and can even imitate sounds. If a crow is angry at you, it might find clever ways to annoy you, like stealing your food, knocking over your drink, or making loud noises near your window. They can always find creative ways to get their revenge when you least expect it.  

FURTHER READING: Mockingjays and 5 other intelligent birds on the planet

On the bright side, crows also remember kindness. If you feed them or treat them well, they might bring you little gifts like shiny objects, twigs, or even small trinkets.  

In conclusion, crows are not your average birds, they are smart, social, and never forget a face. This means, if you ever see a crow, it’s best to treat it with respect so you don't enter their bad books. 

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