In his teachings, Rev Chris Oyakhilome has discussed life after death and the afterlife. He has also made a case for life, eternity, and what happens after death and has given biblical perspectives on the matter, which are pretty helpful.
This age-old question of what happens to the soul after death has been asked many times, and Chris Oyakhilome has given a biblical answer. In one of his teachings, the Man of God defined what happens when a believer dies and how judgment occurs after death. His teachings, which are based on the Scriptures, give a clear picture of what awaits believers and non-believers after death.
Chris Oyakhilome addressed this topic in response to a question about whether souls go immediately to judgment or stay in Abraham’s bosom. He explained that Abraham’s bosom no longer exists. Before Jesus’ resurrection, it was a place where righteous souls waited. But the Bible tells us that after Christ’s resurrection, Abraham and the saints who had died were taken with him.
Pastor Chris referred to Matthew 27:52-53, which states that when Jesus Christ came back from the dead, other saints also came back and appeared in the holy city. He stressed that presently, when believers die, they go to Heaven. They did not sit in Abraham’s bosom and wait for the change as it used to happen before, but they were with Christ.
For non-believers, the situation is different. Pastor explained that those who reject salvation go straight to Hell. He referred to Luke 16:22-23, a verse that describes the rich man who died and was hacked to Hell, where he could only wish to be released. The Bible tells us that Hell is still a place of suffering for those who die without Christ, and they remain in Hell until the final judgment.
According to Oyakhilome, the judgment for believers is not a judgment of condemnation but of rewards. He cited 2 Corinthians 5:10, which says that all must appear before the judgment seat of Christ that each one may receive what he has done in the body, whether it be good or bad. This judgment is made to determine the rewards that believers are to receive in Heaven.
He also explained that believers will play a role in judging others. He referred to 1 Corinthians 6:2-3, which has to do with the saints being able to judge the world and even angels. However, sinners will face a different kind of judgment.
The final judgment, also called the Great White Throne Judgment, will be for those whose names are not found written in the Book of Life. They will be thrown into the lake of fire, which is portrayed as being even worse than Hell.
Chris Oyakhilome also stated that although death is certain, its meaning is different for the believer and the unbeliever. In Christianity, death is a transition to an eternal life in Heaven with Christ. He illustrated this with the example of Stephen in Acts of the Apostles 7:56, where Stephen, while being stoned, saw Heaven open and Jesus standing on the right hand to receive him.
This is proof that believers go straight to Heaven when they die. The opposite is true; death brings only torment to sinners. Pastor Chris used the biblical example of the rich man in Luke 16 to explain how the people who die without Christ end up in a place of suffering. He stressed that this is why it is so important to get Christ.
The only problem with this, as the Man of God pointed out, is that believers go straight to Heaven when they die. However, he also explained that they would still have to stand before the judgment. This judgment is not for punishment but for determining rewards.
He cited 1 Corinthians 3:12-15, which says that a believer’s works will be tested by fire. Good work will be rewarded; the works that are self-centered or impure will be seen as burnt. But though a believer’s works may be burned up, the believer himself shall be saved through the grace of God.
On the other hand, sinners will face a far harsher fate. At the end of the world, hell itself will be thrown into the lake of fire. Pastor Chris described this as a worse reality than Hell, an eternal separation from God with no chance of leaving.
There is one more significant topic, resurrection and eternal life, that the Nigerian Pastor teaches. He also points out that for Christians, physical death is not the end but rather a new and better existence with Christ.
The Bible tells us that believers have the guarantee of the resurrection, as Jesus was raised from the dead. In 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, it is written that the dead in Christ shall rise first, and those who are alive at his coming shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord.
This shows the Christian hope: that death is but a transition to an everlasting kingdom with God, and there is no cause to be afraid of.
Pastor Chris’ teachings on death are mainly on salvation. He has stressed many times that every person will either go to Heaven or Hell immediately after death. There is no second chance after death, and there is no such thing as a waiting place like Abraham’s bosom anymore.
His message is clear: believers have the assurance of being with Christ after death, while non-believers face eternal separation from God. This teaching is in conformity with his overall message of salvation as he calls people to accept Christ while there is still time.
Chris Oyakhilome’s teachings on death attempt to explain scripturally what happens to the soul. He stresses that believers go straight to Heaven while unbelievers go straight to Hell. Both will be judged, but for Christians, it will be a judgment of rewards and not of condemnation.
In this article, the well-known Pastor seeks to explain what the Bible says about life after death and concludes that salvation is the only way to eternal life with Christ.