Many Nigerians struggle to save, and it's totally understandable. But whatever excuse you have is not worth it if you really want to become wealthy.

So what should you do? Save! An excellent way to begin saving is by recognizing all the bad money habits you've had over the years and committing to a plan to ditch them forever.

Here are 8 of the most common bad money habits you should leave behind if you truly desire financial freedom this year.

ALSO READ: 5 bad financial habits you need to stop to get out of debt

So that's it! This article is about identifying bad money habits and making a conscious effort to overcome them.

We understand how embarrassing it can be to admit you have a bad money habit. But you're not alone.

Everyone starts from somewhere, and taking steps to learn what you're doing wrong sends you in the right direction.

ALSO READ: How to avoid going broke before payday in 4 easy steps