Friendship should be sweet, enjoyable, and supportive. I mean, our friends are among the most important people in our lives, and they naturally should make life more meaningful, shouldn't they?

But what happens when certain friendships fail to have all the positive effects you expect? It means you're in a toxic friendship.

Sounds crazy, right? But, well, there's something called toxic friendship. It comes in different forms, but it generally drains you mentally and emotionally.

Toxic friendships have a way of bringing you down instead of lifting you. But how can you spot a toxic friendship?

There will always be signs - most victims just choose to overlook these signs. So what are the signs? Below's a list of 10 obvious signs of a toxic friendship.

ALSO READ: These 5 friendship red flags will help you recognise a toxic friend

So you see, the signs are almost always obvious. Don't stick around if you continually see these signs. Run to avoid being completely drained.

ALSO READ: 13 Signs You're In A Toxic Friendship—And How To GTFO

So you see, the signs are almost always obvious. Don't stick around if you continually see these signs. Run to avoid being completely drained.